thursday 28th march, in Torino (Italy)

CloudConf 2019

The event you cannot miss.

9 fantastic speakers!

Several talks on several topics: scalability, Docker, Kubernetes, Serverless, Machine Learning, Performance, Database...!

A great day

The perfection in each moment of the day: quick check-in, long breaks, coffee breaks, lunch e aperitif included!

A lot of networking

Several activities with all attendees: 1-to-1 free mentorship, lightning talks, workshops (ita) and much more for a great event!

Watch 2019 recap!

Don't miss the 2020 edition!

giovedì 18 ottobre a Torino

CloudConf 2019 - settima edizione

Reserve your (discounted) ticket!
Solo 49.90 euro!

The best speakers for a perfect conference.

We're working on a great schedule!!

check-in timings: 9:00am-10:00am   -   event ends at: 5:30pm


Jason Yee

Technical Evangelist @
Speaker at great events by Linux Foundation. Technical evangelist, community builder, developer, traveller and chef.

Asim Hussain

Senior Cloud Developer Advocate @
Developer, trainer, published author and conference speaker with over 17 years experience working for organisations such as the European Space Agency, Google and now Microsoft

Danilo Poccia

Principal Evangelist, Serverless @
Amazon Web Services
7 CloudConf, 7 keynotes by Danilo. Author of AWS Lambda in Action. International speaker in several conference worldwide.

Paul Dix

Founder and CTO @
Co-Founder of InfluxDB, the open source time series database. International speaker and author of Service Oriented Design with Ruby
#iot #blockchain

Mo Haghighi

Developer Ecosystems Leader @
Leader of a team of developer advocates, and of technical programs who will engage developers, start-ups and partners through events, meetups and trainings.

Yan Cui

Principal Engineer @
Yan is an AWS Serverless Hero and a regular speaker at user groups and conferences internationally. He is also the author of Production Ready Serverless.

Stephane Woillez

Technical Sales Lead @
Long experience in clouds, starting building Private Clouds at IBM in 2008, then moved to Microsoft in 2010 to start Azure on the French market, then to Docker in 2016 to build container-based solutions.

Nic Jackson

Developer Advocate @
Author of Building Microservices in Go a book which examines the best patterns and practices for building microservices. Additionally, Nic is writing Vault in Action with his co-author Anubhav Mishra.

Mark Chmarny

Serverless Technical Program Manager @
Mark Chmarny is a Technical Program Manager for Serverless at Google where he helped define many of the GCP compute and data offerings.
The topics of the event??

#scalability       #microservice        #serverless       #containers        #machinelearning       #perfomance        #database       #security      

Event was sold out!

Don't miss the 2020 edition


Thanks to our supporters!

Main Sponsors

Interested in supporting us?
click here for more informations

Not just talks, but a lot of networking

Free 1-to-1 mentorship sessions

A great conference is not just on stage. Thanks to our speakers and experienced partners, you'll be able to reserve free private sessions with cloud and tech experts .

During breaks you can share your project with mentors and collect quick feedbacks to manage in the best way your needs and find perfect solutions for your challenges.

The mentors are ready to support you and to discuss new ideas and projects.


Workshop (TBA)

As each year, the day before and after the vent will be the official CloudWorkshop on different topics.

We're working on that to create perfect training courses on several arguments: Docker, AWS, Kubernetes, Serverlss, Cloud&Business...

Please note that all workshop will be in italian.

Big news - Open Tables: 24 lightning talk

Talks and discussion

Thanks to several meetups and developer communities, during breaks you can join other attendees at different tables.

Each table is dedicated to a specific cloud topic, and a moderator will host a lightning talk and moderate the following open discussion with participants.

24 lightning talks about 12 topics! (mostly in italian)


& Database
Cost Saving
& Cloud
& Cloud
& Cloud
& Cloud

Stiamo collaborando con diversi meetup per arricchire i momenti di networking della conferenza!

Agli open table e nelle diverse pause, potrai incontrare i meetup e partecipare ai lightning talk: brevi interventi con discussione aperta che ti permetteranno di approfondire diversi temi dello sviluppo cloud, scoprire nuove tecnologie e ottenere feedback dagli altri partecipanti!

Gestisci un meetup/user group/community di sviluppatori? Contattaci per collaborare!

Official conference app!

Quick check-in and digital networking!

We're working on each aspect of the day. Our goal is create the perfect conference for you. Thanks to new quick check-in, you can enter the event in few minutes and enjoy the welcome breakfast before the opening talk.


Connect and interact

Thanks to official web app, you can book your private sessions with mentors, check the schedule, breaks and meetings and interact with other attendees and sponsors.

You can also store new contacts in your account and share your digital business card with other visitors to talk on specific arguments or discuss new opportunities!

During talks you can send question to the stage and read the speaker's answers directly on official web app!

Ready to join us?

Buy a ticket now!